We had a great time at the Trancas Riders & Ropers Gymkhana with Patti Adair and her family! We arrived a little late (20 minutes early) LOL. Tawni was our hauler and she was great and stayed with Madeline all day as well.
Every girl one a class which made the day a special treat. Also, Patti gets the best prizes donated so we came home with lots of new items for the barn - brushes, cookies, hoofpicks, etc. Ashley earned the High Point of the Day and brought home a really cool First Aid Kit for Horses!
Jessica chose Persjaa as a last minute mount and it proved to be very fortuitous! Our 25 year old mare that the vet wanted us to put down instead of treat flew around the ring and won the Poles Class. All of her other times were tenths of seconds away from the winning horses. She has so much heart and I am glad we listened to our hearts and gave her a second chance on life. Way to go, Jess! And their hair matches!
Another down to the wire pick was Grace and Gracie - the trailer was already loaded and we decided she could fit! They flew through the Figure 8 Class - which was not only Grace's first time performing but her first time learning it as well. Her precision and western pleasure lope made the turns look effortless and smooth as silk!

Dessa loves Helena - she flies around the ring and you can tell she is giving her all. They are a great team whether they are polished in the show ring or racing around the gymkhana patterns. Helena was also a good friend and shared her stirrup band all day.

Dessa loves Helena - she flies around the ring and you can tell she is giving her all. They are a great team whether they are polished in the show ring or racing around the gymkhana patterns. Helena was also a good friend and shared her stirrup band all day.
Julia and Coco charmed the ring in every class. Proving good things come in small packages, Julez & Coco won their Poles class (& that pretty pink brush) and looked so cute when they finished and Coco did her Saddle Seat trot around the ring. Nice work, Embrulia!
Hannah & Jade are super steady - not only is Jade the cutest pony in history but Hannah is an expert in all the gymkhana patterns and continuously shows us how it is done. You should see her on Angel - you have to hold your breath! She also took home some cash in the Jackpot Barrels Class!
Ashley & Buck Light had a great day again. I can't believe his destiny is in gymkhana but he does seem to love it and she is one step closer to wining a buckle! They won the Jackpot Barrels and Patti's son even let Ashley announce the High Point Winners at the end of the day!
It is so much fun to have the little ones around. Not only are all of the girls great big sisters but it is touching to see how well the horses babysit the little ones.
The same ones racing around the ring will walk slowly with Kristin and Marguerite.
Alexa & Poet did well in their first gymkhana and even won a new hoofpick for the barn! Poet looked cute in all blue and it was nice to see the crew back together - Kristin, Alexa, & Marguerite - only Geffen was missing.
Kristin showed Gracie in the complicated Figure 8 pattern and Marguerite showed Gracie in the Barrels - both girls did well but I think they had more fun riding Gracie around the showgrounds double!
Grace was such a great big sister with them and thanks to Julia for offering to relieve her of her leading duties!
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