Bliss and the HHH put on another great event. The day was well organized and ran beautifully. All of girls looked amazing and showed experience and independence getting themselves and the horses ready.
We were lucky to have Jill Contreras-Zambini as our judge and she did a great job giving the girls positive feedback.
It was also great to have Bliss's family there - brother Hayden announcing, son Jacob as an assistant and ribbon coordinator. It was a positive and low stress day.

We had 12 girls there and many of them were showing for the first time! The Walk/Trot (Next Generation) class was a lot of fun. The jumping classes were exciting and I think my favorite class is the Obedience class - got to love the counter-canter.

Kristin rode Poet in her second off-leadline class ever and her good friend Lily was there on Gracie in her first show off leadline. Those little girls worked so hard posting around for three consecutive classes.

Emma showed Barbary in her first English show and it is always impressive to see how far she has come in such a short amount of time.
Ashley presented Buck Light in his first show with us! He has come a long way since we saved him.
Jordan and Crimson also did a great job exhibiting. She could not get enough and came back for the Hunter Hack class - but it was worth it since she got to run around the arena afterwards.

Catie & Persjaa also had their first show together and jumped in with both feet! I think they showed in 6 classes. Catie was tired at the end but her persistence paid off when she won the Hunter Hack class.

Honour (Honni) and Gracie came together really well. Schooling the day before was challenge but it all came together on show day and they even won the High Point!

Alexa also jumped up to the walk/trot/canter class and did a fantastic job. Leads can be elusive but she perfected them, and her look, by the second class.

Julia and Coco look better and better at each show - they are up and coming and future stars. Jill commented on how great they are as a team. That jumper class was outstanding.
Alexandra & Barbary were wonderful to watch. They have a great relationship and even though Alexandra is ready to move on to a more challenging mount, I enjoy watching them go around the ring!

What bigs star Hannah and Jade were. They have slowed worked up to the top of the class and now show with confidence and consistency. And they nailed every single lead - even in the over fences classes!

Helena and Dessa had interesting classes. She was surprisingly hot but Helena showed her experience and rode her so well. She looks pretty riding even when Dessa is a handful.

What bigs star Hannah and Jade were. They have slowed worked up to the top of the class and now show with confidence and consistency. And they nailed every single lead - even in the over fences classes!

Helena and Dessa had interesting classes. She was surprisingly hot but Helena showed her experience and rode her so well. She looks pretty riding even when Dessa is a handful.

Jessica is the sweetest in the barn. Sometimes you have to be tough to get what you want, like the left lead, and I am proud of her for her persistance, enthusiasm, and positive attitude. No matter what she places, she always keeps a smile on her face and exclaims about how much fun showing is. That is a true champion.

Ashley decided to show Lola in her age group (you know, she is not a fan of tack-changes) and earned the High Point in the process.
The girls loved the victory passes - it was probably their favorite moment & the horses seemed to enjoy it too!

Macki showed her support for her friends and was there every step of the day and rode Persjaa home. She made a great ribbon girl and judge's assistant.
Molly Kulik and The Dish were also there in full support! All of the pictures shown are by Lilian Darling Holt, our dear friend and reknowned photographer.
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