After you read about last year's adventures, check out our new blog at
Wow, this has been an incredible year - with ups and downs, tears and triumphs, victories and defeats. Through it all what has stood out is the depth and strength of friendship, the powerful love of the Arabian Horse and the support we received through it all. We have all accomplished and surpassed our goals and learned we were all stronger and more resilient than we ever imagined.
We are truly blessed and were granted more miracles with Perjsaa and Sonnet. Callaia's has grown bigger and stronger than anyone predicted and a few of our horses found lifetime homes away from us, which has been a bittersweet life lesson for us all.
The children have been unbelievably committed to keep our farm running smoothly and have actively assisted in everything from repairing fences, mucking stalls, feeding and even shoveling mulch (and sometimes in the rain!). They are all dedicated to the horses' well being, safety, and happiness and it is inspiring to watch them with responsibility.
One of the most touching developments is the relationships that have formed with our "older" girls and the "next generation". The big girls have evolved into nurturers of the "Littles" and all the second graders feel like they have a herd of big sisters.
This year has been a year of growth and we have participated in more events than I ever thought possible. Parades, horse shows, open jumping shows, hunt rides, overnight camping trips, beach trips - 2008 saw many firsts. As the girls gain experience, the possibilities grow with them.
2008 also brought great gifts and friendships from outside the barn.
Bliss Wendelburg and the HHHA's support is always above and beyond. Every event is not only organized and well run but has offered the girls a wonderful place for growth and learning. No detail is missed and the entire community has benefited from her hard work and loving nature. Without Bliss, none of this would be possible.
If the girls had a fan club, Lilian Holt would be one of the officers. She has "adopted" our girls and follows them to all of their events whether presenting the flag or coming out in the rain to photograph us riding with a rainbow, her devotion is both heartfelt and appreciated. She has made the girls feel like rock stars!
Jeff and Teri Reichman have been mentors to me and inspired the girls with their kindness and opportunities. We will always remember the day Poetka was retired, the first time Ashley carried her country's flag and Regionals, and of course the day Coco & Rosie came into our barns. Rosie, with her royal damline and Coco who has become Julia's best friend and once-in-a-lifetime horse. If there are any words to express that sort of gratitude, I don't have them so all I can say is thank you from all of us for your guidance, support, and friendship. You are changing these girls lives for the better.
The year also had a few surprises - sort of like Crimson. We weren't ready for the hauler that day but it did not stop Jordan from going in and leading out her new dark bay mare. An aristocrat and a gift from Maria Danielli, Crimson had not been ridden in 12 years. That only encouraged Jordan more and they formed an deep bond. Jordan is Crimson's once-in-a-lifetime-kid.
Soon after Stella reminded us of the miracle of birth. Happy, healthy and this filly loves her life at the Plum Tree as much as the girls!
If you would like to "re-live" any of our moments, just click on "Older Posts"at the bottom right hand corner and enjoy your ride down memory lane. To keep up with the girls and horses this year, please visit If you want to visit us "old school", go to
Thank you all for the greatest year ever! For your love, trust, and support and for sharing your beautiful, unique children with me. I love and appreciate all of you. Nedra & the horses!
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