Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Holiday Horse Camp - Back at Spring Valley!

Hannah & Bella
Oh, it seems like just yesterday when we were able to hang out all day at Spring Valley Arena. Plenty of shade, room to tie, jumps, and a real bathroom!
Jessica rode the biggest & smallest horses
It was so nice to be back for the day and it was great having Lela back to help us. She gave the girls their Saddleseat lessons and it was nice having her there.
Alexandra & Persja, Hannah & Jade
We made a project for Ashley, turned the younger horses loose to be chased, enjoyed cheesy bread, watched a few lessons and then rode for 2+ hours!
Kate & Dru, Emma & Dessa
All of us were able to take turns and we adjusted the jumping course for all of the riders.
Brooke jumps Snapper & Dru
It was a nice reminder to our days of summer and we all had a fantastic time! Even the ride home was fun.
The ride home.


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