Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bella's Baby is Born (It's a Girl!)

We are excited to welcome Bella's filly to our barn. She is a palomino & white and VERY friendly! Hannah guessed the gender & color and Heather predicted the date. Both Mama & Baby are doing well. Please feel free to come by and visit! She gets cuter by the minute.


Brooke!! said...

PENELOPEY IS SOOO CUTE! AHAH! I LOVE HER TO DEATH! SHE IS THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! i'm so proud of bella! i cant wait to start training her! love you all!


Nedra's Mom said...

She is so cute and healthy!!!
Happy Birth Day to all!
I can hardly wait to see her!
Nedra's Mom
The Banana Bread Lady