On Sunday the available Camp Staff (Julia, Hannah, and Brooke) were taken to Malibu Creek State Park for a fun day of swimming with the horses. Malibu Creek is one our favorite places to visit - both for its incredible history and beauty and also for the water. Who I am kidding? The kids go there for the water!

This trip was no exception and it was one of the busiest days ever. The horses had to navigate through dozens of people who were having a party at the Park entrance. There was even a band! Tiko led the way and Dessa & Angel were equally solid.

We headed straight for the water and it was inviting and refreshing. The horses were great - Angel is our deep diver, Tiko prefers the shallow end and Dessa was all over the place!

After a few dips in the pool the girls cantered on the walking path and enjoyed jumping a few logs and cantering with no hands. We finished the day with the traditional run up the grassland trail which offers spectacular views.

I would also like to take this moment to thank the camp staff who went. Julia is as enjoyable as she is reliable and she always offers to help. Hannah is tireless is spreading her knowledge about Parelli's work & is loved by every horse in our barn - including Bella's Baby! Brooke is the most improved; she has complety stepped up and earned her postion in addition to taking such good care of Tiko & Lola. This trip was well earned!